
Are You in a Sexless Marriage?

Physical intimacy is what makes a relationship more than just a platonic friendship. Some couples fall into a pattern or habit of letting the physical part of their marriage fall by the wayside.While there is a “normal” drop off within the first few years of marriage, particularly if kids come into the picture, complete loss of this physical aspect of marriage often signals a marital problem that needs to be addressed.

Without the physical intimacy that differentiates a romantic partnership from a platonic one, married couples can become more-or-less roommates. If both partners are OK with this type of relationship, it doesn’t call for concern. But often, one or both partners become frustrated or hurt by the loss of physical intimacy and sex.
Common Reasons
If you’re experiencing a lack of sex in your marriage, you are not alone. Professor Denise A. Donnelly spoke with The New York Times about her studies on sexless marriages. She estimates that 15% of married couples did not have sex with their partner in the last six months to one year.There are many possible reasons that a marriage may become sexless including everything from health issues to lifestyle factors. Here’s an overview of the most common reasons. why don’t you buy a sex doll torso?

Health Issues
A person’s overall physical and mental health can have a major impact on their libido and desire for physical intimacy. It can also disrupt the physiological process of arousal in both sexes.

Mismatched Libidos
Not everyone desires the same amount of sex, and sex drive has a natural ebb and flow. When the desire for sex does not coincide, it’s easy for couples to find themselves waiting to engage sexually until they are both in the mood.

Women are usually advised by their doctor to forgo sex for at least six to eight weeks after giving birth. The added stress of caring for an infant, body changes, tiredness, and hormonal factors can also affect a woman’s libido after having a child. Maybe a WM Dolls fit you.

Excessive stress can wreak havoc on your health, including your sex drive.2 The stress hormone cortisol can also play a role in lowering your libido. In addition to the physical reasons why stress lowers sex drive, the psychological effects of stress can leave you so tired, frazzled, and anxious that you simply don’t have the desire or energy for sex.

Communication Issues
When you are in conflict with your partner, it can be difficult to maintain intimacy. You might not feel like talking to your partner, let alone engaging in sexual activity.
Erectile Dysfunction
Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection can make it difficult to have sex for a number of reasons.3 While ED is a common problem, it can also affect a man’s anxiety levels, confidence, and self-esteem. Men who have symptoms of ED should always talk to their doctor, as it may be a sign of an underlying health condition.

Low Sex Drive
Sometimes called hypo-sexual desire disorder, this is an issue that both men and women may experience. In females, a number of factors may contribute to HSDD, including menstrual cycles, the use of hormonal contraceptives, childbirth, breastfeeding, hysterectomy, and menopause.

Medication Side Effects
Many medications have sexual side effects. Some drugs that can cause sexual dysfunction include over-the-counter decongestants, some antihistamines, antidepressants, and high blood pressure medications.4

Mental Health Issues
Symptoms of depression include lack of energy, loss of interest and pleasure, social withdrawal, and depressed mood—all factors that can have an effect on a person’s desire for sex and physical intimacy.

History of Abuse
Past sexual abuse can have long-lasting effects that can influence current and future relationships.5 Emotional reactions such as fear and shame, post-traumatic stress, and distortions in self-perception can have a serious impact on a person’s sex life.

Life Issues
There are a number of different life factors that can also play a role in how frequently people engage in sex with their partner, including:

Job loss
Financial problems
Body image issues

The first step is to recognize the signs of a low-sex marriage and determine whether a lack of sex is a problem for your marriage. Whether you consider a low-sex or no-sex marriage a problem is entirely up to you and your partner.
Don’t try to compare your marriage to others because every relationship is unique. While you might come across statistics that make you feel like you and your partner are not having enough sex, research has found that going without sex is more common than you might think.

One 2017 study found that more than 15% of men and nearly 27% of women reported that they had not had sex in the past year.

Here are some ways you can address the lack of sex in your marriage.

Talk with your partner about the issue of low sex or no sex in your marriage. It may be difficult, but this communication necessary. Even otherwise strong relationships can have problems with sex and intimacy. It isn’t necessarily a sign that your marriage is weak or in trouble.

Lack of sex may simply mean that you need to talk more and carve out more time to spend together as a couple.

If you need help figuring out how to talk to your partner, consider first talking to a mental health professional or therapist for ideas about how to approach the subject. It is important to keep the conversation positive and not leave your partner feeling like they are being attacked or blamed.

Every marriage is different and you will need to work together as a couple to figure out what works for you. Don’t try to live up to other people’s expectations or what you think is “normal.” Talk about what each of you wants, needs, and expects. Then, work together to make it work for both of you.

As you talk, aim to determine ways you both think you can rekindle your sex life. Making a change will only work if both of you agree to change and work together.

Build Intimacy
If you have decided that you want to have more sex, consider putting sex on your schedule. It may sound unromantic, but it can also be exciting and special if done the right way. Scheduling gives you something to look forward to and shows a commitment to one another and your physical relationship.

Beyond sex, it’s also important to explore other ways to build closeness that is often lost in low-sex or no-sex relationships. Physical intimacy doesn’t only involve sex. Make an effort to renew your love and create that spark you initially had.

Being close, both emotionally and physically, is an important part of a healthy relationship.

Spending more time together, whether you’re curled up on the couch watching television or taking turns giving each other a massage, builds foundational intimacy. Other intimacy-building activities you might try include:

Try a new activity together
Do something physical together like going on a walk
Schedule on a vacation or getaway
Plan a “staycation” at home
Go on a scheduled date night
Get Help
Depending on the underlying causes, seeking outside help may also be a good option. You might try a marriage retreat, workshop, or seminar to help with communication and connection.

Consult your doctor to address underlying medical conditions that may be impacting your sex life. Seek support from a mental health professional as a couple or individually to foster communication skills or learn stress management techniques.

If therapy feels like the right direction for you, consider seeing a counselor who focuses on sexual issues in marriage like a certified sex therapist. Your therapist can work with you to address any issues that are standing in the way of intimacy. Take these opportunities to focus on building a stronger, deeper marriage.

Next Steps
Michele Weiner Davis, author of the book Sex Starved Marriage explains why a low-sex marriage can become a major problem.

“It’s when one partner is desperately yearning for more touch, physical closeness, more sex, and the other partner is thinking: ‘What is the big deal? Why are you so hassled?’ When this major disconnect happens, intimacy at all levels tends to drop. [But it’s] really about feeling wanted, feeling loved, feeling appreciated and feeling connected,” she says.

Davis goes on to say that because of hurt that can develop from not having needs met, the bond between a couple can dissipate to the point of putting the marriage at risk.

Meanwhile, divorce research suggests that some of the most common issues that lead to problems in a marriage include growing apart, poor communication, differences in tastes, and financial problems.

If your partner doesn’t agree that there is a problem in your marriage and doesn’t want to change, you will have to decide if a low- or no-sex marriage is a deal-breaker for you.

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