
Love Dolls Are Treated As Family Members In China

Custom-made sex dolls are used not only as Chinese toys, but also as family companions. Businessman Zhenguo Yu lives in a small town in southwest China with a teenage son and 11 sex dolls. Chinese men have been with real women many years ago. He became fond of dolls because he did not succeed in romantic relationships, he told Quartz News.

Every time I order tailor-made clothes for her, Taylor thinks I’m a joke. Because the measurements are far from the normal size of a person, “Yu told Quartz. No one has big breasts and little waist. According to the previous census, there are 34 million more men than women in China. This led men to look to sex dolls for companionship. Although the dolls may seem as realistic as possible, they cost about $ 2,000 ($ 3,120) each in Taobao, China’s largest online shopping platform.

It is estimated that this website sells about 1500 sex dolls each day. There is no exact number of doll owners in China, but Yu, who built the online fan base among sex doll owners, estimates that this figure is at least six digits. Photos of his dolls on excursions and online photography have been praised in comments from a growing community of sex doll owners in China. He is highly respected in the puppet community, and some Yus are asking them to adopt dolls when they get married, knowing that real dolls are in good hands. His cherishing of the original skinny sex dolls is part of the reason he got so many. Yu used to run a company that repairs televisions and sound boxes.

This allowed the customer to manufacture and sell adapters for sex dolls that could be used with head and body combinations from various manufacturers. If a doll can talk and move like a person, all men will prefer to spend a lifetime with the doll, “said Yu.

Due to the rapid growth of China’s sex toy industry, sex dolls with artificial intelligence are currently being developed by Chinese companies.